2 - Marzo 2003 – CV


Andrei E. Cherstobitov


         Scientific degree and post: PhD., Dr. Sc. in law, professor.


Working place: Moscow State University, Law Faculty.


Working post: professor of civil department of Law Faculty of Moscow State University.


Education: 1972-1977 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – student; 1977-1980 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – postgraduate student; 1981-1987 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – lecturer of civil department; 1987-1992 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – associated professor of civil department; 1992 for today - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – professor of civil department.


            Educational work: Lecturer of main course of civil law on Law Faculty of Moscow State University;

         Lecturer of special course “The civil protection of consumer rights”;

         Lecturer of special course “The main civil law problems in the field of banking activity”.


Scientific work: at 1981 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – candidate dissertation; at 1992 - Moscow State University, Law Faculty – doctor dissertation. Shuvalov prize of Moscow State University laureate (1992).


Other opportunaties: The member of Scientific and Consulting Soviet of the Superior state arbitration court of RF; The member of Scientific and Consulting Soviet of Ministry of antimonopoly policy and support of enterprising of RF; The member of expert soviet of State Duma in the field of banking law; The chief of arbitration tribunal under Interbanking Financial House; The arbitrator of arbitration tribunal under National Association of the members of stock market etc.

At 1991-1992 – the member of expert group, working up draft law of RF “Consumer Protection Act”; at 1993-1995 - the member of expert group, working up draft law of RF “Banks and banking activity Act”; at 1994-1996 - The member of expert soviet of Federal Commission of the stock market.


Scientific publications: The author of more then 100 scientific works. For example: “Civil contracts in the field of services”, Moscow, PH of Moscow University, 1987; “Civil questions of consumer protection”, Moscow, PH of Moscow University, 1993; editor in chief and one of the authors of “The legal foundations of the stock market”, Moscow, 1997 etc.


Work address: 119899, Moscow, 1-st Building of Humanitarian faculties, Moscow State University, Law Faculty, phone: 939-52-68, fax: 939-51-95; E-mail: aesh@law.msu.su


Date: 4-th of December 2002.